(Geschlossen)University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland - SUPSI

Professor and Head of the Bachelor's degree programme in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

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  • CH
    Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
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  • CH
    Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland


Professor and Head of the Bachelor's degree programme in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

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The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) invites applications for a Head of the Bachelor’s degree programme in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence within the Department of Innovative Technologies (DTI) located in the USI-SUPSI Campus in Lugano-Viganello. Degree of employment 60-100% with a permanent contract and starting on 1st October 2024, or date to be agreed upon.

Duties and responsibilities

Within the Extended Department Direction

  • Participate in the activities of the Department's Undergraduate and Graduate Studies to contribute to the strategic and operational management of the Department.
  • Promote a culture of collaboration among the Department's institutional mandates and foster the development of synergies between the education and research mandates. Regarding the research mandate, will be affiliated with the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA), active in various disciplines of the degree programme.
  • Represent the Bachelor's degree programme at the Department's Undergraduate and Graduate Studies and at relevant bodies within the SUPSI Direction, contributing to their activities and fostering collaboration among Departments and Affiliated Schools within the university.

Within the Department's Undergraduate and Graduate Studies

  • Define, in collaboration with the DTI’s Head of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies and the Bachelor's degree programme committee, the scientific framework and professional orientation of the degree programme, ensuring overall coordination of related activities.
  • Design and coordinate the structure and content of the educational curriculum and study plan, implementing measures for continuous improvement.
  • Contribute to strategic positioning activities of the degree programme and promotion of the educational offer to relevant stakeholders, fostering collaborations with educational and professional entities.
  • Enhance professional integration opportunities for future graduates by developing partnerships with companies and promoting integrated study paths for working students and/or students in transition.
  • Contribute, in collaboration with other Bachelor's degree programme Head of courses, the DTI’s Head of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies, and the DTI Direction, to the definition of strategies, processes, rules, regulations, and practices concerning Bachelor's degree programme . Ensure quality processes, particularly regarding teaching assessment and continuous improvement.
  • Contribute to expanding the network of contacts with academic and non-academic partners, both nationally and internationally, generating ongoing exchange opportunities and internships for Bachelor's degree programme students.
  • Manage, assisted by the DTI’s Head of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies, strategic projects related to the specific field of Bachelor’s degree programme in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Take on teaching assignments within certain modules of the Bachelor’s degree programme in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.


  • Lead a scientific area and conduct research and development activities within the IDSIA.
  • Acquire, coordinate, and manage applied research projects, identifying appropriate funding sources and building strong and relevant partnerships within the Swiss academic network in the field of data science research, managing scientifically and administratively acquired proposals and projects.
  • Master's degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or related disciplines in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence with at least 5 years of professional experience after completing studies, distributed between the corporate sector and/or academic field. A PhD in the relevant disciplinary field is preferred.
  • Knowledge of the state-of-the-art technical-scientific and professional context of the relevant disciplines.
  • Knowledge of the university and education system, both Swiss and European, as well as institutional, economic, and professional entities in the region.
  • Proven experience in teaching and excellent teaching evaluations.
  • Teaching qualification or willingness to obtain it within 3 years of starting employment.
  • Autonomy, listening skills, excellent organisational and managerial skills.
  • Relational, communicative, and teamwork abilities.
  • Availability and flexibility in achieving objectives.
  • Excellent proficiency in Italian and English required. Good knowledge of German and/or French is preferred.
  • Knowledge and connections with the relevant disciplinary field at the local and/or national level.
  • Experience and responsibilities in research in the relevant disciplinary field.
We offer
  • Professional placement as Associate Professor, Adjunct Professor, or Lecturer based on curriculum vitae and experience, with the possibility of serving as Head of the Bachelor’s degree programme in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for a four-year term, renewable.
  • Interesting experience in the Swiss and international university context in a high-profile position within a Department with over 900 students in Undergraduate and Graduate Studies and more than 200 active research projects each year.
  • Autonomy and goal-oriented work.
  • Dynamic, motivating, and innovative environment.
  • Career opportunities within the Institution.
  • A team of motivated colleagues with experience and expertise.
  • Participation, within the Department's Undergraduate and Graduate Studies, in the collegial management of the Department, with a leadership role in Undergraduate and Graduate Studies field.
  • Opportunity to participate in projects and/or conduct teaching activities within one's scientific and professional expertise.
Applications Requirements

The requirements for this function are published as part of SUPSI’s employee regulations on the page “Documenti ufficiali ”.

Applicants should submit the following documents:

  • Cover letter in Italian or English, containing personal motivations.
  • Curriculum vitae and studiorum, prepared according to the predefined structure (Template CV), in Italian or English. 
  • List of scientific publications, exemplary works of one’s technical-scientific production, and links or copies of said works.
  • List of acquired research projects and the corresponding funding volume.
  • Educational diplomas and work certificates.
  • Honors, awards, and mention of the most significant results achieved during the professional career.
  • At least two recent reference letters demonstrating professional, scientific, and teaching quality.
  • Presentation of teaching activities conducted at the university level with relevant evaluations.
  • A criminal records excerpt valid for 6 months must be provided. Considering the time required for the issuance of the excerpt by the competent Office, it will be sufficient to attach to the application a copy of the receipt of the order accompanied by a self-certification and send the excerpt (risorseumane@supsi.ch) as soon as it is available, or at the latest, concurrently with any initial selection interview. For Swiss citizens and foreign residents, the criminal record can be requested from the Federal Justice Office in Bern, www.casellario.admin.ch.

Applications will be considered only if submitted electronically within 31st July 2024, through the appropriate form. Applications that are incomplete, submitted to other addresses, or submitted beyond the deadline, will be not accepted.

Job details


Professor and Head of the Bachelor's degree programme in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

{ const baseUrl = $event.detail.baseUrl; const currentUrl = window.location.href; window.location.href = baseUrl + '?r=' + encodeURIComponent(currentUrl + '#' + 'professor-and-head-of-the-bachelors-degree-programme-in-data-science-and-artificial-intelligence');}"> Save job Share this job

{ const baseUrl = $event.detail.baseUrl; const currentUrl = window.location.href; window.location.href = baseUrl + '?r=' + encodeURIComponent(currentUrl + '#' + 'phd-student-in-trustworthy-autonomous-systems-and-explainable-artificial-intelligence');}">

The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) is one of the nine professional universities recognised by the Swiss Co...


Wünschenswerte Fähigkeiten

  • Data Science
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Science
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Project Management
  • Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland


  • Machine Learning
  • Product Owner / Product Manager
  • Data Analyst


  • English