Highly Successful Recruiting Campaigns: 4 Examples and Tips to Optimize Your Hiring Process
Reading time 5minIn times of a shortage of skilled workers, many companies complain about unfilled positions and long vacancy periods. In order to remain competitive, it is advisable for companies to rely on imaginative recruiting campaigns to make applicants aware of open positions.
For this reason, we have summarized the best recruiting and employer branding campaigns and want to explain how your company can attract talent with the help of creative job ads.
How to Develop a Recruiting Campaign?
The first step to developing a successful campaign is to create a basic concept and formulate a message that will attract talent to your company. To score points in this process, companies need to get to grips with the target audience and determine the environment in which they operate and the channels that can best be used to reach them.
Of course, successful employer branding plays an important role here. First, make it clear what your company's values and vision are and how you want to be perceived internally and externally. Then take measures to make your company particularly attractive and set it apart from the competition.
How to Develop a Recruiting Campaign: Step by Step
- Step 1: Define your company's values and vision
- Step 2: Identify any vacancies and create a plan for when to fill them
- Step 3: Formulate your target audience
- Step 4: Find the right recruiting channels to reach your target audience
- Step 5: Involve your current employees in the recruiting process to provide more authenticity
Most Promising Campaigns
Once you have established the framework for your campaign, the next step is to define the target group in more detail. Here you should include points such as demographics, what the target group wants from the employer, and application behavior (where potential candidates obtain information from, for example, and which portals they use). Subsequently, the appropriate recruiting campaign is determined. Options include:
1. Employer Branding Campaign as a Recruiting Strategy
Due to demographic change, there are now more job opportunities available to potential candidates than in the past. Companies therefore need to find creative methods to attract the attention of qualified talent.
A carefully thought-out employer branding campaign, for example, is a good way to do this. This involves identifying the wishes of the target group and adapting new jobs to these requirements.
Many applicants hope for the following in their new job: A good work-life balance, fair promotion opportunities, attractive employee benefits, flexible working hours, the opportunity to work from home and bonus systems. These benefits not only attract applicants, but also retain them for the long term.
2. Targeting Potential Applicants Who Are Not Actively Searching
Creative job ads on the Internet reach a great number of applicants, even those who are not actively looking for a new job.
Among them, digital recruiting channels such as Google Jobs and Facebook Ads have proven to be particularly effective.
A cool ad sticks in candidates' minds and potentially encourages them to consider a job change.
3. Recruiting Events
It's also worthwhile for your company to inquire about events where you can showcase your company and make contacts.
Also, take advantage of the potential of job fairs to network and connect with potential candidates. Hiring events aren't necessarily held in large halls, because digital events are now just as popular and reach more people.
4. Storytelling
With storytelling in short videos or audio recordings, for example, you can show applicants what the day-to-day job at your company is like.
The Best Recruiting Campaign 2022 award in Germany for storytelling was bagged by the Bavarian Radio, which recreated the last ten months in Sophie Scholl's life in recreated real time on Instagram.
Unusual Recruiting Campaigns of the Last Years
Many companies are becoming more and more creative in developing HR campaigns, finding unusual actions to put your company in the spotlight. We would like to share with you a few examples that have attracted a particularly large number of applicants.
YouTube Campaign by Edeka
In 2018, Edeka used the YouTube channel of OST BOYS to highlight job openings. The video caused a furor, but received mostly positive reactions and reached the target group, namely students and trainees, in a creative way.
In subsequent years, Edeka continued to rely on YouTube stars and short spots to inspire candidates.
Posters of the Hamburg Public Transport Company
Since 2014, you can find posters of the Hamburg transport company at bus, train and subway stops, advertising job vacancies in this way.

The posters depict employees as cartoon characters holding imaginative slogans for job ads.
Our Top Tips for Recruiting in the IT Industry
The skills shortage is affecting the IT industry in particular, with a full 86,000 vacancies in 2020.
Even in the future, there is no improvement in sight for the time being. Therefore, imaginative and witty job ads are sure to give your company an edge. Besides job ads in social media channels, there are quite a few other strategies your company can use.
Direct Approach to Candidates
An active sourcing is a personal approach to individuals in order to attract them to the company. Especially passive candidates can be convinced faster with this recruiting campaign.
Events and Exhibition Shows
There are some events that specialize in the IT sector. This offers the perfect opportunity to present your company and point out open positions.
Appealing company videos on various platforms are popularly chosen as a medium to give candidates an insight into the daily work routine.
TikTok / Snapchat / Instagram
Instagram job ads are now used by many companies and other platforms such as TikTok and Snapchat offer the ideal opportunity to introduce yourself as a company.
Benefits are increasingly included in the job offer to convince candidates of the company. After all, who would say no to attractive employee benefits.
Employees' Photos
Photos of employees, just like short videos, can provide candidates with a better connection to the company.
Discover the Best Talents Through Innovative Recruitment Strategies
An ordinary job ad has long since ceased to be sufficient to attract applicants to your company. Many companies therefore use various recruiting channels to attract new talent.
Since the use of social media continues to rise steadily, especially among young people, it pays to advertise your company in a very personal and authentic way with video messages and photos.
A well-designed recruiting campaign, creative job ads and good employer branding will help you counteract the shortage of skilled workers.