Interviewer AI

Welcome to Interviewer AI!

Interviewer AI will analyse your interview skills and help you to be ready for your next interview. After completing a practice session you will receive a detailed feedback, so try not to leave in the middle! A session will take from 5 to 20 minutes.

Registered users: Please log in to use Interviewer AI and record your session

*English only

How it works:

    • Interviewer AI

      What role do you want to practice for?

    • I want to practice for a Software Engineer role

    Tell interviewer AI the role or job description you want to practice for
    • Interviewer AI

      How many questions do you want to practice?

    • I want to do 5 questions for this interview

    Select the number of questions you want to practice
    • Interviewer AI

      In your experience as a Software Engineer, can you describe a...

    Start the interview simulation and answer the questions
    • Interviewer AI

      Areas for Improvement: Detailing Specific Examples: While you mentioned methodologies and practices you follow, including more specific examples or case studies from your past projects could strengthen your responses. This would provide clearer insights into how you apply your skills in real-world scenarios.

    Get detailed feedback on your answers and improve your interview skills!
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