
5 Ways To Negotiate The Best Employee Benefits Package at Your Job

Reading time 5min

So you've got a job interview coming up? Big congrats! We're confident you'll ace the selection process.

When you do get the job, it's important to know how to negotiate the job benefits that matter to you. It can be scary to ''demand'' more when you're just starting out, but most of the time, employers are willing to give more benefits to their employees than you'd expect.

But if you're feeling hesitant, don't worry. It's totally normal. Maybe at the moment, your mind is spinning with questions such as:

  • How do you know what benefits to ask for?
  • What if you push too hard and risk losing the offer?
  • How can you prove your worth when negotiating benefits at work?

If these questions have ever crossed your mind, you're not alone. In this article, we'll cover the 5 best ways to negotiate employee benefits at your new job before signing your new contract.

The Importance of Employee Benefits

The Importance of Employee Benefits

What makes employees happy in the long run? A hefty salary? Stock options? More vacation time? Perhaps a luxury gym membership?


Benefits as we know have changed. A lot.

Now, employee benefits such as ongoing emotional support, health insurance, remote work, and work-life balance have been among the highest causes of employee satisfaction these past years.

And these seemingly innocent additional benefits can mean the world between feeling fulfilled in your work versus dreading Mondays more than Garfield.

This is to say, nowadays, job benefits are one of the most important factors in choosing a place to work.

Be honest with your manager about the employee benefits that can improve your overall job performance and quality of life. You might be surprised by how much they are willing to offer to ensure that you sign that employment contract.

How to Negotiate Benefits That You Deserve

Let's go over the best ways to better negotiate benefits to your advantage.

1. Prove your value.

1. Prove your value.

Listen, don't go around asking for more when you don't think you deserve it. That's why, first off, you need to be ready to prove your value.

Think about a Tesla, for example. With its safety measures, modern layout, and top-of-the-line features, it's no wonder it comes with benefits such as an auto-pilot function. Now think of a two-doored Fiat. Would you expect it to auto-drive?

Both cars, when compared, clearly don't have the same value, so the driver for each won't enjoy the same perks that come with each car.

Key takeaway: Prove your worth as an employee. Be a Tesla... or fall behind and never try the auto-pilot function on your own.

5 Ways to Prove Your Value at Work

Below are a few things that employers will look for:

  1. Be proactive, organized, and reliable.
  2. Learn about the company and job responsibilities before the interview.
  3. Show passion for what you do and why it matters in your field.
  4. Work well with others and be someone who is pleasant to be around.
  5. Be respectful of others.

2. Know your worth.

2. Know your worth.

This might sound similar to the above, but it relates to knowing your ''financial worth''.

There's no point in trying to negotiate better employee benefits if you don't know what others with similar skills are making in the market in the country where you work. Benchmark how much your skills are worth on the market so that you can negotiate for more benefits.

Here are some ways you can find out how much money other professionals in similar roles are making on average:

First, you can check out Glassdoor's salary report for your industry or profession (you'll need to set up an account).

If you don't want to share personal information like salary or job title, you can use an anonymous email address.

Otherwise, just google "[your profession] salary range" instead of using Glassdoor directly. This will give you more general results from other relevant sources.

3. Be prepared for questions and objections.

3. Be prepared for questions and objections.

Now that you know both your value and your worth, it's time to prepare your possible answers before entering into negotiations so that you're not caught off guard. Composure, eloquence, and determination while negotiating benefits can make or break how successful you will be at getting the benefits that you deserve at work.

This is to say, being able to handle questions and objections in a professional manner is key.

4. Know what you want.

4. Know what you want.

Adding to the above, before you go into a job benefits negotiation, know what you want out of the conversation. This will help keep your emotions at bay and guide your responses when things get heated.

Having clear goals also makes it much easier to make concessions rather than losing ground on points that aren’t really worth fighting over.

5. Practice your negotiation skills.

5. Practice your negotiation skills.

Be prepared to negotiate things such as your value and worth; explain why certain perks matter more than others; and how these would positively affect your job performance. A great book to teach yourself how to negotiate like a true pro is ''Never Split the Difference'', by top FBI negotiator Chris Voss.

Being a good negotiator is key here.

To your employer, some perks might even seem unnecessary. But if you properly negotiate and come equipped with good composure and proper negotiation skills, you'll be able to effectively negotiate benefits to your advantage.

Negotiating For the Benefits You Deserve Can Be Done With Skill and Tact

Negotiating For the Benefits You Deserve Can Be Done With Skill and Tact

The message is clear. Always aim to negotiate benefits. Don’t be afraid of asking questions and negotiating terms.

If you have no experience in negotiation and feel hesitant, don't worry. Negotiation is a skill that can be learned, practiced, and perfected, helping build confidence and self-esteem. Plus, it's fun — especially if you're negotiating for something that will make your life easier or happier such as work benefits.

For the time being, as long as you prove that you're worth better benefits than what they're offering at this stage, the worst thing that can happen is that they tell you no.

But if they do say yes, these new employee benefits can help to cement your job satisfaction and loyalty.

Finally, if you happen to find a job through TieTalent, we’ll be sure to help you work through negotiations every step of the way.