
8 Best Questions to Ask in a Job Interview in 2023

Reading time 6min

In every job interview, there comes a time when candidates have the opportunity to ask questions to the recruiter.

Interview questions should be well-thought-out to leave a positive impression and show the recruiter that you have prepared thoroughly for the interview.

We have compiled some interesting questions that you can ask at the end of the interview.

In addition, we want to clarify why it is so important to ask your own interview questions and how best to conduct yourself during the interview.

Asking Questions to Demonstrate that You've Done Your Research

Asking Questions to Demonstrate that You've Done Your Research

Asking follow-up questions is an excellent way to showcase your knowledge about the company and your level of preparation for the interview. If a staff asks at the end of the interview: “Do you have any questions for us?”, you should definitely answer in the affirmative.

A “no” suggests to the interviewer that you are not really interested in the company and, in the worst case, can lead to a rejection.

Instead of being afraid to ask questions during the interview, use the opportunity to learn more about the company and your potential future job, and make yourself shine in the process.

With clever questions, you can show that you have taken a closer look at the company and have done research. This gives you the opportunity to conduct the interview in a way that brings your intelligence to the forefront and demonstrates your suitability for the job.

Now you have the reins in your hands!

Why You Should Definitely Prepare Interesting Questions

Why You Should Definitely Prepare Interesting Questions

Asking well-prepared questions not only expresses your interest and preparedness but also demonstrates your initiative and professionalism.

Well-formulated questions will help you score points in the hiring process and convince people of who you are. This will help you stay in the recruiter's mind and increase your chances of getting the job.

During the interview, make sure you actively listen to the recruiter from start to finish.

If you ask questions that have already been answered in the course of the interview, this leaves a negative impression and shows that your mind was elsewhere during the interview.

Also, use the get-to-know-you phase as a reference point for any follow-up questions. Thus, you convince the personnel management that you have followed the entire interview attentively.

Questions Not Well Received in the Job Interview

In addition to the best answers to the most common interview questions and many questions that are appropriate at this point and show interest, there are also some questions that should be avoided.

We have compiled the most important taboo questions for you:

Questions About the Company That You Can Easily Research

Questions About the Company That You Can Easily Research

Although in principle, this allows you to show that you are interested in the company, you should still avoid asking for information that can be easily researched.

Doing so will signal to the hiring manager that your preparation is poor and that you haven't even taken the time to look at the company's website.

Questions such as “How many locations does your company have?” or “What products does your company manufacture?” demonstrate unprofessionalism.

Suggestive Questions

Suggestive Questions

Ensure your questions are framed in a neutral tone rather than as suggestions.

A question like, “I'll probably have to work overtime a lot in this position, won't I?” does not express interest, but rather expresses your concerns negatively. In this case, rather ask how flexible employees applying for this position should be in terms of time.

Questions That Diminish Your Commitment

Questions That Diminish Your Commitment

Anyone who already asks here about long vacation periods or a sabbatical year gives the impression of being less committed and just waiting for the next time off.

In some cases, of course, asking for a few vacation days cannot be avoided, but weeks of time off should not be brought up at first.

Judgmental Questions

Judgmental Questions

It's best to avoid asking judgmental questions about the work atmosphere or the quality of the company's products/services during the interview.

Questions like, “Do the employees get along well?” show a certain naivety and do not give a good impression.

Score Points in the Job Interview with These 8 Questions

Score Points in the Job Interview with These 8 Questions

On the other hand, questions about everyday work or the vacant position are always welcome and show genuine interest. We have compiled a few suggestions for you and explain what impression they make on personnel officers:

1. How does the offered position contribute to the company's goal?

As a candidate, you should care about the company's long-term goals and how important your position is in helping to achieve them. This will show that you are committed and want to contribute to the company's success.

2. What is the first month like for new hires at your company?

This question demonstrates that you are motivated to hit the ground running in your first month and get to know your work environment. Additionally, it will help you develop a realistic expectation of what to expect in the early days.

3. What was the biggest challenge the team overcame last year?

Challenges don't necessarily have to be viewed as something negative, but help the team move forward. Asking questions about overwhelming problems will give you an idea of how the team works and provide helpful information on how to overcome difficult tasks in the future.

4. What opportunities for further training does the company offer?

By asking about training opportunities, you not only show that you want to continue your own education, but also make it clear to the staff that you plan to stay with the company longer.

5. What achievements did my predecessor make?

Asking questions about your predecessor will give you a realistic picture of what you can expect in a vacant position. This will help you better prepare for the day-to-day work and reduce the risks of a negative surprise.

6. How does your company culture differ from other companies?

Although judgmental questions about company culture should be avoided, neutral queries are not a problem during the interview. They thus give the HR manager the opportunities to present the company's special features.

7. What opportunities are there to get to know my future colleagues?

With this question, you show that you are motivated to get to know your new colleagues and establish a good relationship with them.

8. Do you offer flexible work locations?

Working from a home office is becoming increasingly important to many applicants, and you can make this clear in the interview. Additionally, this allows you to show that you are interested in working in a variety of locations.

Land The Job With Well-Prepared Questions

Land The Job With Well-Prepared Questions

Asking questions during interviews is a great opportunity for applicants to express their genuine interest in the company and the available position. With well-considered questions, you underline your initiative and convey a professional impression.

Prepare your queries in advance so that you don't stutter when you take the reins at the end of the interview. However, judgmental or suggestive questions should be avoided at all costs.

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