
Java Review Manager Application Development

  • +3
  • +2
  • FR
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  • +3
  • +2
  • FR


Project Title: Java Application for Managing Reviews


The objective of this project is to develop a Java application that manages reviews given to applications. The application should allow users to:

Enter data related to application reviews.

Save and read this data from a file and generate chosen metrics.

Save and read this data from a database and save the chosen metrics in a file.

The application should be usable both from a console and a graphical user interface (GUI).

Project Description:

The application will manage:

Applications, with all their characteristics including their category.



Develop the application in console mode first.

On startup, a menu will prompt the user to enter data type (application, category, user, or review).

A log file will be created, recording the creation date and time of each object. This information will also be displayed in the console.

The application should allow the user to save entered data to a database. The user should be able to generate various analyses on the entered data (e.g., number of reviews per app, list of people who reviewed an app).

Display and save these results in a result file.

Phase 2: Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Develop the necessary graphical interfaces to perform all operations: data entry, analysis, and result display.

Additional Requirements:

The project will be developed in multiple sessions, with specific tasks outlined for each session.

Regularly save your work using various solutions like USB drives, cloud storage, or emails.


This project needs to be completed and submitted by Thursday.

this project will be delivered in (Days)

Describe your proposal (minimum 100 characters)


Nice-to-have skills

  • Java
  • SQL
  • France

Work experience

  • Frontend
  • Backend
  • Applications


  • English