
Senior Machine Learning Engineer ML engineering ·

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As a member of the ML-team you will be working with a broad range of problems with one common denominator – ML will be the key ingredient. As a senior you will be responsible for team success.

As a senior you work to engage clients and team from early idea phase to execution. We believe you have a track record of successfully developing en-to-end ML products, leading teams in commercial as well as delivery settings. We also seethat you have passion for MLand opinions on how succeed in applied ML. For us a lead is not a formaltitle, rather a responsibility to help others to be even more successful. You will also be part of developing Modulai.

You will have to analyze the problem at hand, come up with a solution strategy and execute on it. This typically entails gaining an in-depth understanding of the challenge, understanding the available data, and then re-formulating it as an ML problem. It requires openness, creativity, and an eagerness to learn new methodology and explore new terrains.

We approach these problems as a team where great leaders are essential, meaning that you will have to be able to clearly explain your reasoning and code in order to engage the team as well as clients, investors, and others.


  • Helping the team to succeed
  • Identifying and executing on opportunities (new business, new products)
  • Challenge and inspire the team in state of the art applied ML
  • Analyzing and planning problem, solution, and delivery
  • Preprocessing, feature engineering, and dataset creation
  • ML model development
  • Validation of results
  • Data pipelining and infrastructure development

Our Stack

  • Python – standard open-source libraries
  • Scikit-learn and various specialized Python and R ML libraries
  • Deep learning frameworks such as Pytorch and Tensorflow/Keras
  • Cloud platforms such as GCP, AWS, Azure
  • Relational database management systems
  • Distributed processing such as Apache Spark

Background & Skills

  • MSc or Ph.D. in a quantitative field
  • Experience from leading end-to-end ML projects
  • Excellent communicator (IRL, blog, events etc)
  • Excellent understanding of a broad set of ML algorithms and frameworks
  • A passion for lean, clean, and maintainable code
  • The desire to grow and to share insights with others

Helpful knowledge &Experience

  • Leadership in fast-growing organisations
  • Product experience from idea to MVP and monetization.
  • Deep learning frameworks and theory
  • Data pipelining and infrastructure
  • DevOps experience, CI/CD, Kubernetes

About Team Modulai

At Modulai we focus 100% on solving problems with machine learning (ML). We work in teamson a project basis. We work for clients,as part of the core team instartups where we have long-time engagementas well as building our own ML products.

Learning and teamwork are central to how we work. Everyone in the team is or will soon bea full-stack ML engineer with capable scoping and developingend-to-end ML solutions. You should be able to do end-to-end machine learning products by yourself but actually, never do it because we always work in teams. If there is data, we will do ML on it!


Nice-to-have skills

  • Python
  • Scikit-learn
  • R
  • PyTorch
  • TensorFlow
  • Keras
  • GCP
  • AWS
  • Azure
  • Kubernetes
  • Switzerland

Work experience

  • Machine Learning


  • English