Salary & Trends

Entry-Level Salary and Growth Opportunities for Business Informatics Specialists in Germany

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The starting salary for Business Informatics Specialists is already attractive and can be increased with additional qualifications and professional experience. We'll tell you what a Business Informatics Specialist can expect to make in Germany and how to manage your salary expectations.

Characteristics and Responsibilities of a Business Informatics Specialist

Characteristics and Responsibilities of a Business Informatics Specialist

Business Informatics combines two areas, namely IT and business administration. As a business informatics specialist, you ensure that business processes are optimized with the help of software and tech solutions.

Business developments are presented as realistically as possible in order to increase the efficiency of the company and to avoid errors. Additionally, business informatics specialists are responsible for improving communication between departments and structuring information.

Responsibilities of a Business Informatics Specialist at a glance:

  • Conceptual design of information systems
  • Point of contact for IT problems
  • Management of ERP systems
  • Optimization and development of software
  • Examination of business processes

Entry-level Salary for Business Informatics Specialists

Entry-level Salary for Business Informatics Specialists

For graduates of a business informatics degree program, the question of how much does a business informatics specialist earn brings a positive outcome, as they can expect a starting salary of €35,000 to €45,000 per year. This puts business informatics specialists in the upper range of starting salaries after graduation. Of course, these are average values and the final salary depends on various factors, such as the size of the company and the place of work.

Salary of Business Informatics Specialists with Work Experience

In addition to a promising starting salary, business informatics professionals can also expect generous salary increases. In the first ten years, the salary of specialists in this industry increases by 50 to 90%. With three to six years of experience, the average salary is €55,000 and the business informatics salary after ten years is around €80,000.

Influencing Factors on the Salary as a Business Informatics Specialist

The salary of a business informatics specialist depends on other factors, such as the type of university degree, the industry, the size of the company and the region.

Type of University Degree

Type of University Degree

Graduates can also find a job in business informatics through other degree programs such as business administration, management, computer science or operations management. Many students also choose the option of dual or part-time studies to gain work experience in advance. Business informatics graduates are advised to specialize in one area during their studies in order to facilitate their start in professional life. With a master's degree, salary expectations also increase.



With a degree in Business Informatics, a variety of industries are available to you, such as Logistics, Telecommunications, E-Learning, Public Service, or Construction.

Industries with the highest salaries include consumer and durable goods, banking, automotive, and pharmaceuticals.

Company Size

Company Size

In a start-up company, salary expectations are naturally somewhat lower than in large corporations. For a company size of more than 1,000 employees, the average salary of around €60,000 is significantly higher than for companies with fewer than 500 employees (€40,000).



The salary prospects for business informatics specialists look best in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Hesse, with an average of €55,000. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, you will receive an average of €40,000.

Salary Trends for Business Informatics Specialists

Salary Trends for Business Informatics Specialists

Due to the shortage of skilled workers in Germany, the demand for skilled IT workers is also growing. Many companies promise attractive salary jumps in order to retain talented personnel.

You can expect high salary increases if you:

  • Take on managerial responsibilities
  • Work for a large company
  • Choose a region with higher salary structures
  • Continuously develop your skills
  • Acquire knowledge from different areas

Tips for Salary Negotiation

Tips for Salary Negotiation

The salary negotiation is part of job interviews. In order to get a good starting salary, you should specialize in a field and complete internships while still in college. Practical experience pays off positively in any line of work.

With a degree in Business Informatics, jobs are open to you in many different industries. Starting salaries are on average higher than other majors, and you can look forward to salary jumps.

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