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How to Effectively Use Power Pages To Rank on Page 1 of Google Without Using Ads

Reading time 6min

What Is a Power Page?

What Is a Power Page?

Want your posts to rank better in Google’s eyes? Well, then it’s time you give power pages a try.

A power page is one that has been purposefully created to appear on Google's first page of results.

Interested in knowing more? We thought so. Keep on reading this post to know all about power pages and how to build one (or many) of your own so that you continually add value to your audience.

What Makes a Powerful Power Page?

A power page can be built using the following 6 crucial components:

  1. Length
  2. Navigation
  3. Visual aspect
  4. Natural keywords
  5. Audience
  6. Purpose

1. Length

1. Length

Power pages are long (and we really mean looooong).

They’re the epitome of a long-form blog, being considerably longer than the typical 1,500-word blog articles that you see online.

We’re talking something in the range of 5,000 words or even 10,000. Think of power pages as the "ultimate handbook" on a single subject.

2. Navigation

2. Navigation

Of course, due to it being so long and jam-packed with information, power pages should be simple to read. For that, your content should be organized into a table of contents that is split into chapters, with anchor links to easily jump from one subject to the next.

Ensure you use headers, subheaders, and lot’s of visual elements (more on this below), so that readers can easily skim through the content. Give it plenty of white space, with short paragraphs (e.g., 2-3 sentences per paragraph, tops).

Remember that your goal is to make it as easy as possible for the reader to navigate your power page without feeling overwhelmed.

3. Visual Aspect

3. Visual Aspect

Granted, there aren't many readers who have the patience to read a 4,000-word blog post (and especially with video marketing growing as a trend every day, people are seemingly getting lazier than ever to read).

So regardless of whether or not you carefully organize your power page into bullets and subheadings, using top-notch visuals is another way to pique your readers' interest and further guarantee an enjoyable user experience.

Visuals may include:

  • Graphs
  • Images
  • Memes
  • Videos

4. Natural Keywords

4. Natural Keywords

Regardless if you’re brand new to marketing or if you have years of experience, the importance of conducting thorough keyword research isn’t news to any marketer.

And to make the most out of the time you’ve invested into your keyword research, you must be sure that you introduce the keywords naturally into your content.

Put simply, your keywords should be written as they would be spoken.

Keywords have come a long way in the past 10 years, meaning you can relax about finding an exact fit for your content. Google is smarter than ever and fully capable of understanding its purpose.

Plus, it will reward you if the search phrase is included naturally (so please, as tempting as it may be, avoid keyword stuffing just for the sake of it, as this will act against you).

5. Your Audience

5. Your Audience

As with everything in marketing, it’s of utmost importance that you fully understand the target audience you’re aiming for.

Power pages are intended for influential people in your business; they are not for your potential customers. And you want them to share and link to your page so that you can organically increase your backlinks (hence, your website growth).

This means that your power pages shouldn't be written at a 101 or basic level. They ought to be thorough and include useful details for a reader who is experienced in your field, or even a subject matter expert (SME).

6. Purpose

6. Purpose

Adding on to the above, your power pages should have a purpose. In other words, it should only be used to offer in-depth, high-quality information and add value. The purpose of a power page is not to make sales.

For this kind of information, anything more than a button at the bottom that directs the user to a landing page is too intrusive. After all, your goal is to demonstrate your knowledge so your power page generates more qualified leads, social media shares, and more website visitors.

Why Power Pages Work

Why Power Pages Work

Power pages depend on a straightforward formula: the more words you have, the more keywords you will rank for – particularly long-tail ones.

Also, longer articles filled with valuable information and research receive more social media shares. Need further convincing? According to a survey by OkDork, articles between 3,000 and 10,000 words averaged almost 9,000 shares.

For obvious reasons, longer pages also have an effect on the amount of time a person spends on your website. If your material is compelling enough to keep visitors on your site for a while, Google will understand that what you’re providing is valuable and will help push this resource to its first-page results.

How to Create Power Pages - Step-By-Step

How to Create Power Pages - Step-By-Step

Follow this step-by-step guide so that you can start creating power pages today.

Step 1: Start With Your Most Popular Existing Pages

Look at your most popular pages by deep diving into your website analytics tool.

The pages with the most traffic are the ones where a power page will have the biggest impact.

  • Can you add value to existing content that will increase the word count to up to 4,000 words or more?
  • Are there several lengthy articles in your top 25 articles that cover the same subject and could be compiled into a single power page?

For example, let’s say you want to attract remote workers to visit your website and you’ve written the below articles, each with about 1,500 words:

Invest a little bit more time and patience into these (perhaps add even more value by writing more). Then, you can combine all three into an “Ultimate Guide to Remote Working’’ power page.

Watch your analytics after that to evaluate what is effective and what is not. You should have a solid notion of your marketing KPIs so that you can evaluate what's popular after a few months.

Step 2: Make a List of Keywords

Once you've determined which pages are the most popular, enter them into a keyword tool like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Ubersuggest (or any other that you already use) to obtain both the primary keywords and their long-tail variations.

A crucial point: Verify that the keywords are generating traffic. Ranking for tens of thousands of keywords is not a smart strategy, tempting as it may be. Those keywords are worthless if they aren't bringing visitors back to your website.

Step 3: Upgrade Your Content

After gathering all of your keywords and long-tail phrases, you’ll need to build your power page. Once again, this is not about keyword stuffing, but about making sure that your keywords are pertinent to your subject and appropriate for the setting.

Step 4: Promote Your Content


Perhaps the most overlooked step in any digital marketer's job.

You spent significant time creating your content (or investing money by paying someone else to do it), so why aren’t you promoting it?

It's simple to adopt an "if you built it, they will come" mentality, especially when you are aware that your page was created with Google's first page of results in mind. But they say that for every hour you spend creating content, you should spend another hour promoting it.

After you publish your power pages:

  • Post (and then repost) them on all your social channels
  • Invest in ads to give them a little boost
  • Send an email to your email list
  • Try to get backlinks to it by looking for websites that have broken links to similar content and send them your power page as a worthy replacement
  • Send them out to influencers in your space
  • Don’t forget online communities such as Reddit, Quora, and Facebook groups

Start Creating Power Pages So That You Beat Your Competitors

Start Creating Power Pages So That You Beat Your Competitors

Every day, more than four million blog articles are published. But the thing is, most of those articles are between 300 and 500 words, and they were made so the site owner could boast about having content (or simply just to have something to promote on social media).

And while it’s true that nobody can promise a position on Google’s page one, by following these power page recommendations, you'll significantly raise your chances of being seen, clicked on, and visited.

That’s why power pages can be so, well, powerful for you to increase your organic positioning on Google’s first page.

So what are you waiting for?

Start building your power page today! You’ll be thankful that you did so a few months from now.

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