Hiring Tips

Top Tips on How to Hire a Remote Developer in 2022

Reading time 4min

Be it if we’re talking about large corporations or startups fighting for a place under the sun, one post-pandemic fact is that companies of all sizes are adapting to a new need: flexibility.

And the same applies to companies looking to hire tech talent.

Forbes stated that, by 2025, 70% of employees will be working remotely. But discovering the right employees to fill a gap in your team can be an arduous process.

When you’re searching for talents to work remotely for you, the challenges become more excruciating.

A few things to consider before hiring a remote developer:

  • The benefits
  • The challenges
  • What makes a good remote developer
  • Places to find the best remote developers to hire

Let’s go over how to hire remote developers so that your company is always fully supported with the best (worldwide) resources.

Why You Should Hire Remote Developers

Why You Should Hire Remote Developers

There are a number of positive outcomes for businesses that promote remote work options.

To name a few, here are 7 benefits of hiring remote workers:

  1. Cost reduction
  2. Budget reallocation
  3. Increased productivity (counter-intuitive, but true)
  4. Saves time for workers
  5. Less commute
  6. Positive environmental impacts
  7. Higher staff retention and overall satisfaction

But, in parallel to increased demand, there is an ongoing global shortage of tech talents qualified for remote job positions.

And, most importantly, when hiring remote developers, companies are no longer geographically limited. And this makes the job hunt more exciting than ever before.

Companies have no other choice than to hire remote developers to speed up their growth and expansion, save money, and support their teams with much-needed talents.

Having the world as your backyard, companies big and small are increasingly searching for remote developers all over the globe to combat talent shortage.

What Are The Challenges of Hiring Remote Developers?

 What Are The Challenges of Hiring Remote Developers?

It goes without saying that hiring remote talent doesn’t come without its challenges. So, before promoting your job posting, consider these 3 important aspects:

Understanding Who Are the Quality Candidates

Having access to a pool of developers at a global level might at first seem exciting (especially after shifting from scarce local applications). But you might just as quickly realize how overwhelming things can get.

Yep, get ready for an overflow of applicants.

And the bad news is that to find the best remote developers to hire, you will be bound to filter each and every one of these applications before you can shortlist your best candidates.

Managing Your Job Postings

Any HR professional knows the challenge.

Managing a job posting on multiple job boards can (easily) become time-consuming.

Why is that?

You will most likely have to post job listings on 4-5 different sites.

And of course, this means you’ll have to manage these applications by logging into each of those distinct sites to filter each and every application you’ve received. And yes, there will be, most likely, a lot of ‘spam’, subpar applications.

Cultural and Language Barriers

It comes as no surprise that, if you’re searching for a professional who doesn't live in an English-speaking country, the probability of encountering a developer that doesn’t speak fluent English is, well... fairly high (even if they say they are fluent).

Remote work can only properly function when there is good, ongoing communication.

And this is important to consider, especially if you are managing an English-speaking team. Consider hiring remote developers that can effectively communicate with your other team members.

What Makes A Good Remote Developer?

What Makes A Good Remote Developer?

There is no need to say that any remote developer you hire needs to have great programming skills.

But, unsurprisingly, that’s far from the only thing they need to be skilled at. So when hiring a remote developer, search for candidates with the four traits below to be sure that you're getting the right candidate for the job.

4 Characteristics of Successful Remote Workers

**1. Self-Discipline **

Any remote worker needs to master self-discipline enough to stay efficient, meet deadlines, and complete projects without external intervention. This is arguably even more important for remote devs.

**2. Communication **

As aforementioned, successfully managing remote teams all comes down to effective communication. Strong communication skills are necessary for most positions, but this is especially the case for remote workers.

3. Initiative

Remote developers must be proactive in seeking out support and guidance whenever necessary. They should be continually searching for ways to improve their performance, even though they work remotely.

**4. Work-Life Balance **

2021 taught the whole world that balancing your work life and personal life is harder than it seems. And learning how not to let personal affairs get in the way is vital for a remote worker.

Those who cannot draw the line between work and family affairs risk getting distracted and losing focus on the task at hand.

Where Do You Find Remote Developers to Hire?

Where Do You Find Remote Developers to Hire?

Now you know all the benefits and challenges of hiring a remote developer. So where can you find top talents to add to your team?

Here are 5 places where you’ll have the best chances of finding a top developer:

1. A freelancer marketplace

There are numerous advantages of hiring a freelance developer.

To name a few, if you hire a freelance remote developer, you’ll be bound to:

  • Save time and money
  • Select from an immense pool of talents
  • Adaptability

Freelance marketplaces are great if you have specific short-term projects that need urgent support, but you're are not ready to make a full commitment to hiring full-time.

Two trustworthy and popular freelance marketplaces:

‌2. ‌Post to Job Boards

If you have more time to spare, job boards can help you find a skilled developer at your own pace. But as mentioned before, managing job posting can get hella tiring for a subpar output, especially if you post to multiple sites.

But if you have an open position, and you don’t want to waste money paying an agency to do the work for you, job boards are the way to go.

Here are five of the more useful and popular job boards.

3. LinkedIn

Good ol’ LinkedIn. One of the best online places to find leads with (big) buying intent. And by buying intent we don’t necessarily mean B2C, but B2B. People who are active on LinkedIn are either actively looking for talents to hire or posting jobs hoping to find a decent candidate.

4. ‌Referrals

People usually forget to ask for referrals. Don’t assume people will send leads your way just because they are your friends, family, or co-workers. By actively reminding them that you would appreciate getting referrals, you might end up surprised with the results.

5. TieTalent

What would this list be without our marketplace tacked on to the end?

Seriously though, if you're intent on finding top tech talents in Switzerland or Germany that ~~match~~ exceed your expectations and who are actively looking for new opportunities, join our Tech Jobs Marketplace. Create your company profile for free today, start interviewing potential talents tomorrow. Pay only if you hire through us.

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